SHE SAID YES! I had the amazing opportunity of capturing this special moment in the lives of David and Langlie as they start the next chapter of their lives together. You guys, shooting a proposal is beyond amazing – the happiness, tears, love…I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing it is to witness and to capture for couples. It honestly means the world to me.
About these two, well for one they are the CUTEST couple ever! The proposal took place on the docks in Wayzata, MN, on Lake Minnetonka. David plays for the Minnesota Vikings and had a pre-season game earlier in the day then they went to dinner that evening at 6Smith – right on the lake. Both are originally from Texas and their families were in town “visiting” (Langlie thought) so they went to dinner with them as well. After dinner, they all went for a walk. When they turned the corner to this special spot, Langlie was shocked and tried to get away thinking a proposal was going to happen so she didn’t want to ruin it…little did she know, David dropped to one knee and asked her to be his wife.
I am SO beyond excited and happy for these two as they begin planning their big day and the start of their forever together. Also, how can you know love these candid moments from the day it all went down to look back on – priceless moments that mean the world.